aku tau ramai yang kata aku blur. dan ramai gak yg bengang bila aku buat donO time terserempak. x kira lagi yang senyum tapi x berbalas. yang kata aku sOmbong...
aku sebenarnya dah cuba sedaya upaya jadi orang yang menyenangkan. at least aku x pernah berniat menghampakan sebarang percubaan buat baik orang kat aku. tapi hakikatnya aku rabun. ya rabun. ditambah dengan aku tak suka pakai spec sebab rasa hodoh dan x pakai contact lenses sebab rimas.
jadi frame aku sangat limited. hardly attracted kat bnda2 sekeliling yang biasanya ada spontaneous motion. sebab mata aku nmpak blur jer. aku tau tentu orang yang senyum kat aku rasa bodoh bila aku wat donO lebih2 lagi kalau jarak dia dan aku jauh. Makanya, tolonglah senyum nampak gigi jadi aku nampak la korang tengah senyum. Bonus kalau pakai whitening toothpaste kasi berkilau plak.
Then korang tentu maki aku kenapa tak beli specs yang stylo jadi tak terbelenggu dalam this limited world of my own. Jawapannya senang tapi ntah terjangka ke tidak; aku rasa kerabunan aku ni dah menyumbang 50% kenaikan tahap keyakinan aku. Seingat aku, masa aku kat matrik, rabun aku tak la tinggi sangat, jadi aku ada la sket2 nervous n rasa insecure bila jumpa orang (ye, aku bukan orang yang suka jumpa orang sangat2) lagi2 kalau aku x kenal.
Tapi sejak masuk USM dan jadi budak sc cOm dan suka wat programming time hujung minggu dan baca buku C++ dan Java yang tebal nak mampus tuh, tambah dek diet low in vitamin A, aku jadi cenggini la. Tapi aku pun sedar, aku jarang nervous melampau cam dulu2 bila kena wat presentation. Makanya aku malas nak pakai. Sebab dah biasa, lepas2 tu kalau aku pakai pun specs (ni kalau aku yakin projector bodo tulisan tak terang) aku dah x gugup sangat2. Aku rasa ini perkembangan yang sihat.
Jadi setiap yang berlaku tu tentu ada hikmahnya. Semua orang pun tahu.
Tak kisah la korang nak cakap aku blur ke sombong. Lain kali panggil kalau nampak aku.
Ahad, 22 November 2009
Khamis, 19 November 2009
November 19 2009
sebenarnya aku baru balik dari kursus program latihan penolong pengurus pjk kat Holiday Villa Subang.
Semuanya best2 belaka accept suhu yang sejuk memang selalunya spoil mood aku. tapi participants memang the best. Kalau nak diikutkan, inilah kali pertama aku ikut kursus semacam ini. Ye la. aku bukan aktif sangat melibatkan diri dalam mana2 persatuan.
Sebelum pergi kursus tu, aku blur gak la tentang scope tugas aku as penolong pengurus, tapi dah g sana barula aku sedar, banyak keje giler. Ok, mungkin masa x biasa ni mmg la rasa banyak. Tapi x kisah la pasal aku rasa scope keje tu masih boleh dihandle.
Semalam aku sampai je umah, x lama pastu ada la member2 sis aku datang. Aku pon suruh2 la dorang g lawat pjk. Dorang punya muka, alahai menyampah giler macam la aku ni tgh wat direct selling. Tapi aku wat bodo je la. Nak datang, datang. X nak sudah.
Pengurus aku senyum lebar je citer pasal pjk. Aku rasa pjk dapat sambutan memberangsangkan la masa aku kursus tu.
Anyway, aku baru je dapat gaji n aku sangat happy.......hehe
Semuanya best2 belaka accept suhu yang sejuk memang selalunya spoil mood aku. tapi participants memang the best. Kalau nak diikutkan, inilah kali pertama aku ikut kursus semacam ini. Ye la. aku bukan aktif sangat melibatkan diri dalam mana2 persatuan.
Sebelum pergi kursus tu, aku blur gak la tentang scope tugas aku as penolong pengurus, tapi dah g sana barula aku sedar, banyak keje giler. Ok, mungkin masa x biasa ni mmg la rasa banyak. Tapi x kisah la pasal aku rasa scope keje tu masih boleh dihandle.
Semalam aku sampai je umah, x lama pastu ada la member2 sis aku datang. Aku pon suruh2 la dorang g lawat pjk. Dorang punya muka, alahai menyampah giler macam la aku ni tgh wat direct selling. Tapi aku wat bodo je la. Nak datang, datang. X nak sudah.
Pengurus aku senyum lebar je citer pasal pjk. Aku rasa pjk dapat sambutan memberangsangkan la masa aku kursus tu.
Anyway, aku baru je dapat gaji n aku sangat happy.......hehe
33 Questions For An Interview With Yourself
Ask yourself:
1. What Do You Do For A Living?
Reading and eating (most of the time)
2. Who Do You Love?
I am sad to say he's gone.
3. Do You Have Enough Money?
Yes I have.
4. Are You Healthy?
Not really, I can feel the pain in my stomach
5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?
No. I have my own dirty little secret
6. How Old Are You?
Too old to be wise.
7. Who’s Your Best Friend?
Don't know if he is still considered one
8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?
I hated life when i was a child. So I don't have any dream.
9. How Often Do You Laugh?
Quiet often. I laugh at white jokes.
10. What Makes You Smile?
a. He who teach me how smile can change others' life
b. cute admirer
c. photo capturing
d. funny people
e. jokes
f. motivational quote
g. sweet lyrical song
h. romantic movie
i. unexpected people remember my name
j. green sightseeing
11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?
Rich people that underestimate poor
12. Where Do You Live?
The most beautiful place on earth. Which is very green.
13. Do You Think You’re Strong?
Not really. I hardly endure things for a long time. But if I did, I hardly stop. I'm weak in controlling myself to be specific.
14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?
Finish study and get the degree
15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?
None. I did what I really wanted.
16. Do You Love Yourself?
Trying to accept everything i own cuz i know i end up loving them.
17. What Do You Fear The Most?
People hate me.
18. What Is Your Favorite Word?
Betul la tu.
19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
I didn't cry since the last 14 days.
20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
Get to buy a car by the end of this year
21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
Don't reach KPI and get fired
22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now
Clear skin
Driving car
Wear hijab and stylo clothes
Having someone to love
23. Do You Regret Anything?
No, i don't regret of being coward. But imagining the courage, that's might be a twist to everything.
24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?
Thinking what should be done so that i don't waste the day.
25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?
I wish i could dream someone i long for.
26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?
Genting highland? is it high?
27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?
Nothing. Because i never know the consequences of doing things. It is all happen naturally.
28. What Are You Proud Of?
My education level
29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence
My life contented
30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most
Being single and people think I need one guy to be normal.
31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?
I have no question for him. I believe in anything he wants me to be.
32. Do You Have Secrets?
Yeah. I hate it. Try to change it and hope to forget it completely.
33. What Makes You Laugh?
Mimicking funny sounds.
34. Are You Happy?
Right now? Yes. I just chatted with my long time friends and met the cutest people around during the training.
Source: http://www.dragosroua.com/33-questions-for-an-interview-with-yourself/
1. What Do You Do For A Living?
Reading and eating (most of the time)
2. Who Do You Love?
I am sad to say he's gone.
3. Do You Have Enough Money?
Yes I have.
4. Are You Healthy?
Not really, I can feel the pain in my stomach
5. Do You Think You Are a Good Person?
No. I have my own dirty little secret
6. How Old Are You?
Too old to be wise.
7. Who’s Your Best Friend?
Don't know if he is still considered one
8. What’s Your Childhood Dream?
I hated life when i was a child. So I don't have any dream.
9. How Often Do You Laugh?
Quiet often. I laugh at white jokes.
10. What Makes You Smile?
a. He who teach me how smile can change others' life
b. cute admirer
c. photo capturing
d. funny people
e. jokes
f. motivational quote
g. sweet lyrical song
h. romantic movie
i. unexpected people remember my name
j. green sightseeing
11. Who’s Your Most Dangerous Enemy?
Rich people that underestimate poor
12. Where Do You Live?
The most beautiful place on earth. Which is very green.
13. Do You Think You’re Strong?
Not really. I hardly endure things for a long time. But if I did, I hardly stop. I'm weak in controlling myself to be specific.
14. What Was The Most Important Thing You’ve Done So Far?
Finish study and get the degree
15. What Was The Most Stupid Thing You’ve Done So Far?
None. I did what I really wanted.
16. Do You Love Yourself?
Trying to accept everything i own cuz i know i end up loving them.
17. What Do You Fear The Most?
People hate me.
18. What Is Your Favorite Word?
Betul la tu.
19. When Was The Last Time You Cried?
I didn't cry since the last 14 days.
20. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
Get to buy a car by the end of this year
21. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now?
Don't reach KPI and get fired
22. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now
Clear skin
Driving car
Wear hijab and stylo clothes
Having someone to love
23. Do You Regret Anything?
No, i don't regret of being coward. But imagining the courage, that's might be a twist to everything.
24. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning?
Thinking what should be done so that i don't waste the day.
25. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed?
I wish i could dream someone i long for.
26. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To?
Genting highland? is it high?
27. If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It?
Nothing. Because i never know the consequences of doing things. It is all happen naturally.
28. What Are You Proud Of?
My education level
29. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence
My life contented
30. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most
Being single and people think I need one guy to be normal.
31. What Is Your No 1 Question To God?
I have no question for him. I believe in anything he wants me to be.
32. Do You Have Secrets?
Yeah. I hate it. Try to change it and hope to forget it completely.
33. What Makes You Laugh?
Mimicking funny sounds.
34. Are You Happy?
Right now? Yes. I just chatted with my long time friends and met the cutest people around during the training.
Source: http://www.dragosroua.com/33-questions-for-an-interview-with-yourself/
Selasa, 3 November 2009
Isnin, 2 November 2009
green thumb
aku dah ada hobi baru. berkebun. sebab beberapa hari yang lepas aku browse webpage sana webpage sini, jumpa gambar ni...
by Morgane Rouault who lives in Berlin. inspired~~~
rumah dia cute. as featured kat decor8.
kat luar tu ada meja buruk kuning yang aku pun x tau kenapa still x dibuang. aku pun rasa kos nak kerjakan sumer ni pun x banyak, so aku nak try la...
ingat nak beli pasu ngan tanah, then mak kuarkan pasu-pasu dia... dan volunteer nak amik tanah kat umah nenek. ok, zero on budget.
nanti klo dah jadi table garden tu, aku tunjuk...=)
by Morgane Rouault who lives in Berlin. inspired~~~
rumah dia cute. as featured kat decor8.
kat luar tu ada meja buruk kuning yang aku pun x tau kenapa still x dibuang. aku pun rasa kos nak kerjakan sumer ni pun x banyak, so aku nak try la...
ingat nak beli pasu ngan tanah, then mak kuarkan pasu-pasu dia... dan volunteer nak amik tanah kat umah nenek. ok, zero on budget.
nanti klo dah jadi table garden tu, aku tunjuk...=)
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